Into the rabbithole

I’m a firm believer in systems, systems which we create, systems which others create and we use, and systems we do not use.

I realised recently that I have been creating systems and patterns through the life I have experienced. Part of me failing in many areas of my life were the result of bad habits created through constant reinforcement and lack of accountability.

For example, excessive video gaming became an addiction where I’d avoid facing important emotions. Being unable to delineate between an addiction (emotional attachment to an action or thing) and recreational activity is the difference between succeeding and failing in others areas of my life. Remember how I said I knew nothing? I bloody meant it.

Here are some things I learned:

  1. If you’re angry you’re probably angry at yourself.
  2. Directing the anger towards others increases the anger.
  3. Addiction is lack of purpose. The fix doesn’t fix you. You fix yourself through better actions and self-love.
  4. Knowledge (of self and the world) is the difference between getting better or not.
  5. Fearing my emotions is the #1 reason I’ve become addicted to things.
  6. Being aware of the kick you get, and how long it lasts makes going cold turkey far more bearable.
  7. Succeeding in holding off the bad urges breeds more success later on.
  8. Building systems to work away from the addiction permanently works better than just giving it up.
  9. Knowing what you’re repressing helps too.
  10. Acknowledging you have a problem is the first step.

Thanks for reading.

rAge 2013 Wrapped up!


I’ve been naughty. There haven’t been new posts lately, and I apologise 🙂 Here’s my wrapup of proceedings over Friday and Saturday. To sum things up, the weekend was crazy. Friday started off calm but Saturday saw a major overcrowding problem happen. I’ll be uploading pics of the event as this week goes by 🙂